Looking to buy used aid gear

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Looking to buy used aid gear

Postby ml. » Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:53 am

I'm planning on learning the basics of aid climbing this summer and need to buy some gear.

If you have aiders or ascenders that you'd like to get rid of, send me an email at marcelledanielle(at)hotmail.com

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Re: Looking to buy used aid gear

Postby Burley » Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:49 am

Go with the adjustable ladders for sure. Careful as there is a left and right. They are the bomb for jugging and I like them so far for leading, but I've only had them on straight and vertical lines so the jury is still out.

So far this is the best setup I've used for jugging: I use two adjustable ladders, one PAS (on top ascender), and one adjustable daisy (bottom ascender). Cat's arse for sure. You can literally run up the line. The ladders actually strap to your feet and they have a padded stirrup that don't kill your foot.

If you're going to lead you'll want two adjustable daisies.
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