Cape Clear Climbing Routes???

It’s sharp....really sharp!

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Cape Clear Climbing Routes???

Postby scottymac » Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:41 am

I am trying to plan a Cape Clear trip this summer and I am wondering if there is any advice on how to find route descriptions? I can see there are a few people on here that have spent some time there, so maybe you have some info. let me know!
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Re: Cape Clear Climbing Routes???

Postby seanT » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:44 pm

I have probably logged more hours up there than anyone my advice would be to come by the gym sometime..but give me some notice and I can show you some topos(very rough) of where the lines are..pretty much the place is ripe for FA potential both multi pitch and single pitch. But be prepared for some serious cleaning and if you are there in july/aug BUGS so bad you cannot even believe it. The name of the game there is adventure first and climbing second BUT there are 2 fully bolted multi pitch sport routes that are clean and go. One is 5.92 pitches other is 5.12 3 pitches.
There has been some murmurings about a early spring trip(Mayish) before the bugs hatch but you really need 3 solid days of zero chance of rain to make it worthwhile.
Anyway good luck and have fun.
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