
For all the motormouths who just need to spray.

Moderators: chossmonkey, Dom, granite_grrl


Postby Graham » Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:55 am

Man I just gotta say this. Thanks to all of you for not being stereotypical jackass climbers. My experience in the past, for the most part is that if you don't climb 5.12 or if you have questions regarding pretty darn near anything (other than how do I get to the nearest 5.stupid climb) all you get is sarcasm and stupidity as a response. But I look forward to reading your posts and getting replies from all of you because I get honest and real answers (Occasional sarcasm is a good thing too)
I am not a good climber, but that doesn't stop me from loving climbing just as much as the next person. So it pisses me off to no end when I get crapped on and shot down for the accomplishments I do make. Nothing turns novice climbers away quite like some arrogant wanker coming along and trash talking the rout the novice thought he would die on. Climbing isn't a competition (Except climbing competitions of course) it's about each person surpassing themselves. All of you seem to understand that here. I hope that it stays that way, because, while we may not have the most spectacular rocks over here, we do have the best community out there.
So give yourselves a pat on the back, or if you are near someone give them a hug and say "Way to go old salt", because you deserve it. (Well maybe not being called old salt. What does that mean?)
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Postby visitor » Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:44 am

Said soo very well. :) I agree completely - this community has been soo helpful and supportive of beginner climbers and it is surprisingly refreshing. Makes me want to climb that much more! Thanks for all the help everybody! :D
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Postby szymiec » Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:40 pm

Thanks for not thinking i'm not a jack ass. Haha, cause i am!

Man i love the faceless nature of these forums.Boing!
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Postby Ropeguy » Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:49 pm

I take it that you have not met Martha !!! :lol: :lol:
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