by Matt Peck » Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:46 pm
Yeah, those pulsars are pretty decent for getting into the game. The dogleg could have been a hair longer I think, because I was always gripping so far down the shaft that my little finger was right on the edge. This is the most comfortable position as it gives you the greatest amount of clearance. It would be worth getting one of those Grivel Retrogrips for the bottom of the shaft, as this would save you the inevitable (double underline that word) Pinky bashing (I now have bone splinters in my first digits) The upgrade from this will be the Quarks. The way you will learn to swing the Pulsars will let you graduate smoothly into the Quarks.
Good first tools man! One more thing, Tighten the hell out of the pick nuts, as they loosen over time and lead to scary pick shift. Some Red (the not quite impossible to undo later color) Locktite oughta do.
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