Somebody has a case of the Mondays!

For all the motormouths who just need to spray.

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Somebody has a case of the Mondays!

Postby granite_grrl » Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:26 pm

- Blah.
- Day starts off with a break down on the line which I was slow to respond to. Resulted in my tea being cold when I get back to my desk.
- We're not making our numbers so the higher up guys are cranky.
- The guy I was working with crashed a machine on Friday so he's booted out of the plant and I'm taking on his work load.
- And because of his crash I've gotta be super careful I don't do something stupid too.
- I start work way too early. I'm sleepy.

And to make matters worse my boyfirend is at home finishing putting up our new climbing wall as we speak! And I'm here....not climbing.

Oh...there's not place like home....there's not place like home. Nope, steel toed safety shoes just won't pass as ruby slippers. :(

Anyone else want to whine, gripe and try to hide at their computers for a little longer?
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Postby The Teth » Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:09 pm

Not doing too bad today, but last Monday someone came and told me that new computers had arrived and they wanted me to decide who (out of 150 employees in 7 offices) to give the old ones to. That was how I found out that I was now the IT Coordinator for head office. I am supposed to be an underpaid GIS Coordinator (like making maps and stuff). An IT Coordinator would be paid $10,000 more than I am. Unfortunately it is not official....I am only getting the work and responsibility of the IT Coordinator while she is out on maternity leave. On Friday I found out that the Web Master is going out on long-term disability so I will be doing her work too. Oh, and one of the guys in Head Office it going to be acting manager in one of the regional offices for a while, so I am picking up some of his work too. At this rate, by October I will be running the entire division.

Maybe I should ask for a raise.

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Postby Richard Eh! » Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:37 pm

Hell, man, at that rate, put the request through and by the time it processes you may be in a position to approve it!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
If'n ya think ya can, ya can! If'n ya think ya can't, yer right....!
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uh oh

Postby climberwannabe » Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:56 pm

wow, I just finished my 4 day weekend after a week long paid 'adventure training' hiking trip around Keji. Brutal, my feet are sore.

Case of the Mondays?
I believe you'd get your ass kicked saying something like that...

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Postby mathieu » Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:39 am

As Climberwanabee said you'd get your ass kicked for saying something like that and here is why...

1- What the hell is a "Monday" i've been working 12 to 12.5 hrs for the past 5 days (oh and I have 12 days left in my shift).

2- I have to worry about bears all day long as we are miles from the truck and I see bear poop and fresh tracks all day long.

3- We were up to our gonadz in water today cause we had to map a creek that was damned by a dam beaver (or is it a beaver dam, I forget).

3.5 - We had to ride our quads down a line that was so steep. How steep you may ask, well it droppd 66 metres over 170 metres you do the math.

4- Its 12hr30 and I finally finished my paper work.

5- and now I have to sit here and hear people complain about not being home with their lovers or climb for another 4hrs while I won't be home for another 12 days. boo hoo

Sorry its late and i'm tired and I have to wake up at 6AM to do more paper work and then go for another 12hr day. fun times. I'm just praying for a rain day.
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Postby granite_grrl » Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:21 am

Mathieu, Teth, you both make me feel better. While I do have to deal with a ton of managers who are big on "flavour of the day" problems, I am only working 10 hour shifts and only doing the work of two people. :P

Just what the heck do you do Mathieu? In some ways it sounds crappy (long tiring hours, hard work), but its probably more rewarding than my work for corperate America.

Hope Tuesday is better for everyone!

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Postby mathieu » Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:45 am

Tuesday is turning out better already, slept in an hour WOO HOO

I work in the oil patch as a surveyor, we survey pipelines and well sites. I'm now in HInton. The work sounds horrible but its fun, a lot of the hours are driving hours and we have great views of the mountains. I have an office with a view you could say
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Postby mike » Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:29 pm

Hinton- you mean Hickton right? Love the smell, yummy.
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Postby The Teth » Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:27 pm

Mathieu and his kind run around all day in the cold and muck recording dots. The job I was trained for is to sit in a nice climate controlled office and connect those dots. I like to work inside and play outside, but as a Cartographer I have to give props to all those hard working surveyors who thrash around in the bush all day and collect the data which allows me to do my job without getting my feet wet.

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Postby mathieu » Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:19 pm

And as a surveyor I have to give props to my "assistant" who actually finds the center of the creek or river and then proceeds to lose all sense below the belt while I sit on the dry side and ask him politely to hold the prism level (as if not being level will have any effect on the accuracy of the position, haha better not tell him/her that).

- Can you smell that kids?? hmmmm that's what wood smells like.
- You mean that's what a forest smells like daddy.
- Standing timber son, we call it standing timber not "forest"
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