For any of you who haven't been to Cochrane Lane since Thursday last week, chipseal (sorta) has been put down in place of the rocky/dirt road section leading upto the farmer's place. No more dirt road. It's loose shredded pavement from highway 7 running through welsford. The foreman onsite during the dumping of the material in piles along the dirt road told me that they planned on running the roller machine over it and then it would eventually melt together in the hot sun over time to create a fairly nice 'chip-seal' finish.
I was over it recently and it is nicer than the HUGE rocks they had laid on the dirt these past few months and your car isn't all dusty. I didn't find any tar crap on my car after so it's an improvement in my opinion.
I just wonder about the heavy trucks and tractors that drive over that at 60-80km/h every day. They will most likely mess up the road. Only time will tell.
What does everyone else think?