Moncton Area - Newer to Climbing

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Moncton Area - Newer to Climbing

Postby Will C » Fri May 27, 2005 6:48 pm


My name is William; I live in the Moncton area and am semi-new to climbing. I have been looking through this board and many others for the past few months in anticipation for summer to come. What I would like to do is ask a few questions about climbing.

Here we go:
1. I am semi-new to climbing and would really like to get out and try some climbing when the weather gets nicer. I have climbed probably about 10 times before at places such as Cape & Rage, the woody at Centennial Park, some rock at fundy and such. What I am wondering is if there is anybody that would be willing to allow me to tag along on a trip, or if somebody would like to come with me to Centennial or such. As of right now I have no climbing specific gear but would love to hear from some experienced climbers for some advice on technique and safety and the like but I am planing to get some gear this summer. So I guess this question boils down to asking if anybody would be willing to take a Newbie climbing, I don’t pretend to know what I am doing and am happy to shut up and listen to everything people have to say.
2. Second question would be me wondering if there was anybody around here that I could get together with just to talk about climbing to learn some tips and hear some stories :).

For any of the above I am more then willing to drive myself to go climbing or even driving somebody that needs a lift.
I would also like to offer my services to taking climbing photos. I own a DSLR and am an experienced photographer. If anybody would like to take me along to take photos that would be great as well.

My sincerest thanks for listening to all these question and not getting mad at a newbie. If you have any other question or anything for me to clear up just let me know.

Will C
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Postby Matt Peck » Fri May 27, 2005 7:20 pm

Hey dude,
Good approach, honesty like that will get you offers in no time, and If I ever get my car to work for a weekend to zip off the island I'll look you up. Your best bet is probably to hook up with any of the UNB R&I people that you can get ahold of, and nag them to till they offer to take you. With Welsford being OC for a bit (Hope and pray with the rest of us), they are a good source of info on alternative climbing areas. After placing a post like this, it won't be long until someone helpful (cough, Cara cough) writes you and offers a trip/advice. Until then, mine is to keep up the questions, and maybe peruse a book or two on the subject, (namely anything by John Long or the latest carnation of Freedom of the Hills, avaliable at your local library), keeping in mind that you may have to unlearn some things later. Your best bet is to keep an eye out for the UNB Rock and Ice Climbing Club Rock School that takes place every first or second week of Septermber in Welsford. This is an awesome way to meet climbers, make partners, and learn a ton of new skills. For more info contact the Prez John Bowles at
Best of luck dude.
Matt. 8)
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Postby martha » Fri May 27, 2005 7:41 pm

Hi Man,

Definately try to get yourself up to the climbing gym at UNB in Fredericton, contact some climbers in moncton. A few of them post on the board and will find you.

once welsford is open again, it will be easier to get you on climbing outings for sure. :)


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Postby Pierre » Fri May 27, 2005 8:06 pm

Hey Will,

I have been wanting to check out the UNB climbing gym for some time now. If you interested in sharing gas/driving, I'm willing to travel up with you every once in awhile.

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Postby Will C » Fri May 27, 2005 9:10 pm

Hey Pierre,

I would be more then happy to split gas or drive. Most of the weekends in June are out as I have exams to finish up for good :) and some new stuff for Lifeguarding for the summer. I am available from the 23 to the 27th though if you would like to go during the week, at least it’s a possibility. Also do they have equipment for borrow at the UNB wall? I'll climb bare feet because I have not gotten shoes yet and I realize you cannot borrow shoes.
Also if you had equipment we could go to the woody at Centennial Park for some fun for a night.

Will C
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Postby martha » Fri May 27, 2005 11:31 pm

Hi Will,

We actually don't allow people to climb barefoot at the UNB wall because of the sweaty ikky stuff that ends up on the holds that we have to put our hands on etc. But...we do rent climbing shoes for 2$ per night and have lots of sizes available!!

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Re: Moncton Area - Newer to Climbing

Postby Guest » Sat May 28, 2005 7:50 am

Will C wrote: Cape & Rage

you mean Cape Enrage?? at the mouth of minas basin? what was it like? i was there before i started climbing and just remember a massive drop...

Postby Will C » Sat May 28, 2005 12:42 pm


Hawthorne: I was at the main place at Cape Enrage, where the students run the thing, I Climbed Jack, Jill, Fogarty and Slayor. They are all prety good, but you have to pay to climb there and you cant use any of your own equipment I don't think. Also they are not hard climbs, their only maybe 50 feet tall (if memory serves me) and you are fine with normal sneakers but fun none the less.

Martha: Thanks for the info, I completly agree with you about the bare foot thing, I guess I was thinking that because of the outside woody at Centennial Park. But now that I know I can borrow shoes aswell I am so there!

Will C
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Postby Guest » Sat May 28, 2005 2:11 pm

Will C wrote:you have to pay to climb there and you cant use any of your own equipment I don't think.

that sucks.

Postby Jamie Simpson » Mon May 30, 2005 7:20 am

Hi William - if you're ever in the St. Andrews area - look me up 529-3003 - I'd be happy to show you around the climbing here.

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Postby Pierre » Wed Jun 01, 2005 8:09 am

I am available from the 23 to the 27th though if you would like to go during the week, at least it’s a possibility.

Hey Will,

Those dates don't work to well form me.. I'm off on a back country camping trip those day..

Here's the dates that look good for me to travel up to UNB climbing gym:
June 14th,15th,16th
June 19th if they are open Sundays nihgts
June 20th,21st,22nd
and maybe June 28th...

If any of those dates work - let me know and I'll try and find some other ppl to join us.

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