Hi folks,
Have moved to NS, so it is now a 4 hour drive to my camp in Sussex, and now with 2 small kids, not likely to make the drive often enough.
So, selling my camp - link to Kijiji and pics below - but note to climbers it is located on the Walker Settlement rd, which meets / becomes the Parlee Brook rd as they form a loop.
Plowing stops just past my camp, so it's a 2 or 3 km (can't remember) ski (or skidoo) down the back hill to the Abby (where everyone parks for lower access to Parlee climbs) at the corner of Parlee brook rd and Arnold Hollow rd. Then another 2 - 3 kms ski into the bottom entrance.
Respect my neighbour and friend alot next door to the camp, and would prefer to sell to skiers / climbers / outdoor lovers if possible, even though it is close to skidoo trail.
Would be great to see a few people get together and buy it. It is about 20 -25 kms from the awesome climbs at Little Salmon River / Walton Glen Canyon, and plowing varies year to year, but trip can be done part by car and long ski or skidoos of course.
May throw in a skidoo and pack sled with sale if interested.
Price on Kijiji reduce to $39,000 but will take less for climbers!
http://www.kijiji.ca/v-house-for-sale/s ... nFlag=true