by peter » Fri May 13, 2005 11:23 am
Last year an anonymous, rich benefactor donated the beer to Boulderfest, on behalf of the fictional "Nova Scotia Trad Climbers Association".
This year, the anonymous benefactor is hoping that the Stoners Anarcho Climbing Collective (SACC) will make the same donation.
As we have no bylaws, meetings, budget or establish procedure to consider such ideas, I am bringing the "motion" here.
Can we each come up with about $20? We are probably the only climbers in Halifax with real jobs (some might say the only real climbers in Halifax, with or without jobs).
If you are willing and able, I will collect and buy.
Steve P, Sean K, Peter, Thom, Mike, Sean C., Steve F. ... who else? We need about $150, if my memory serves me correctly.
When opening your wallet, please think if the poor, beer-starved children that will attend Boulderfest and give generously.
Don't judge them harshly as a result of their religion (or lack thereof), gender (or lack their of), hair length (surplus thereof), attitide toward the military (ignorance is bliss), ridiculous hats (winter hats in summer?), love of hackey sack, Ultimate and all things flakey (what's that about?), inability to climb while wearing a shirt of any description, and, of course, please ignore entirely when giving, the limited, slacker, and underachieving nature of the climbing style, sometimes called "Bouldering", that they love. You will make a child so, so happy.