MoBeta challenges

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MoBeta challenges

Postby seanT » Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:10 am

Love the challenges...Here are my results
Miks Dover challenge.. Years ago at one of the first Boulderfests I did 100 problems between noon and 7pm on the saturday...the sunday..i didnt do much...I have put forth this challenge each year since then but so far dont know anyone who has taken the bait...keep in mind that is 100 problems..not points..problems
Also most readers of Mobeta and this forum were probably still in grade school when 3 adventurers did what was and still is refered to as the BIG STUPID. A crazy idea was hatched in the middle of a 14 hour drive overnight to Vegas to try and climb 1 route at each crag in NS 5.9 or harder in 24hours.
This was in winter of 1999... that summer Sean Cassidy, Jonathan Grahm, and myself(o and dont forget Nacho) strapped my canoe to the roof of my van and blasted out to Ship Rock leaving Dartmouth at 3am...
paddle to ship rock as the sun comes up
5am saw us rapping to the base of some wet god awful trade route and Cassidy doing the lead of a lifetime to get us started.
paddle back to van
drive to columbus wall run in punch of some 5.9 cant remember name of it
run out
drive to Paces
paddle to Neverland
send the 5.9 there
paddle to mainface
send farewell to arms 5.9
paddle to first face
blue sky mining in the bag!
paddle to van
drive like maniacs to Eagles nest
run in with harness's on minimal gear and already tied in
rage up evening wall
run out
drive to Tbay
paddle to Crows Nest
send some thing there dont remember what
paddle back
hit up Easter island
run into Sorrows
thow down...
last climber tops out at 7pm!!!
It was a epic adventure and quite the day.
Fuelled by Dunsters Donuts, coffee, and other performance enhancing substances.
Would be hard to do today with so many new crags having been developed...but the original Big Stupid Challenge would be quite the goal for someone.
Good luck and keep sending!!!!
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Re: MoBeta challenges

Postby Quinn » Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:43 pm

You guys are the original gangsters. In that spirit, your challenges have been added as "Flayed Phalanges OG" and "The Big Stupid"
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Re: MoBeta challenges

Postby Rowan » Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:21 pm

Equally impressive that you managed the drive to Vegas in just 14 hours. That is just an insane feat of driving. Cujos.
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Re: MoBeta challenges

Postby Rowan » Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:03 pm


I was out squirrel hunting with my neighbour on the weekend, just north of Porter's Lake, and we came across this boulder. I don't see it listed in the MoBeta database and it looks like it hasn't been cleaned or anything, at least in a while. The overhangs are steep but have a bunch of hueco-like features and rails so it seems like a worthwhile project. It is a bit wobbly and unstable but if you make sure there's always somebody climbing on the opposite side I figure it should be fine.
Sorry I only got this crappy cell phone shot - we were figuring on hauling out a full brace of 48 squirrels (a bit optimistic it turned out) and I didn't want to be weighed down by my camera.
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Re: MoBeta challenges

Postby RockMasterFlash » Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:54 pm

Rowan that is some of the coolest flowers i have ever seen! You need to take me out there as i live in porters lake. Are you serious about it being tipy? How long of a hike was it and did it look like there was anything else around?

Very cool shot i would love to see it in person!
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Re: MoBeta challenges

Postby Rowan » Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:57 pm

Chris, I'm sorry but I posted that as a joke. It's a picture I found on one of those 'look at all these wacky things' websites. I thought it looked like it could be around here, and just kind of ran with it, which in hindsight I guess was a mistake. I thought I'd be exposed as a liar and a charlatan right away - I mean, the squirrel bowhunting season doesn't start util January, for one thing - but I forgot that there are people out there who are positive, generous and open-minded, not mean and cynical like myself.
I *have* seen quite a lot of tasty boulders north of Porter's Lake, but nothing as exciting as this. I'm talking about around West Lake. But you have to park at the creepy old abandoned summer camp on Otter Lake and hump over a hill a couple of kilometres to get to them. I'm sure other climbers have seen them and figured it's not worth the hike. There's also a little crag in there, at the end of West Lake where I saw a nut and biner where someone had bailed from this nice looking hand crack. The other way in is along the Crowbar trail which is much further, but right in the parking lot for that trail there is a really impressive boulder, 14-16 feet tall, shaped like some sort of monument to boulders.
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Re: MoBeta challenges

Postby seanT » Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:05 pm

I knew it..but i also dared to dream......
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