Rich wrote:Hey all,
Myself and a friend were planning to head up to Welsford area, originally planning to leave this morning and return Sunday. Have been humming and hawing on account of weather - but things are looking more positive now. Looking for some local insight though - with all this rain today, will there be much to climb tomorrow and what areas are most quick to dry out?
Any thoughts appreciated...
From my experience, I would say that your best bet for climbing in the Welsford area would be Sunnyside. It's a sport cliff and has less cracks that retain water. Most of the cracks in Cochrane Lane will be wet tomorrow. That being said, the face routes in CL dry up pretty quickly. I don't know what grades you were looking at but the sport climbs on the attic ''should be dry''.Upper Tier has some face climbs too but it's hit or miss after a good rain.
Leviathan near the cave area is always dry. I've climbed that route in a downpour before. Amphitheatre should be dry (rockstar and Flight of the Valkyries are amazing). Mr clean and Spiderman dry up pretty quickly after a rain... Don't be discouraged though. You guys are coming from NS right? Climbs dry up much faster here than at Musquodobit from my experience.
If you get shut down, the quickest area to dry in the Maritimes is Cedar Point. I can guarantee you that tomorrow there will be enough dry climbs to get a full day there as long as SJ is not foggy. Here are two online topos for the area: first online topo is more up to date while the second one has better directions/beta on how to access the cliff.