Fun new(?) problem at Prospect

It’s sharp....really sharp!

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Fun new(?) problem at Prospect

Postby Rowan » Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:26 pm

Hey, I posted this as a comment at the CNS website but just noticed their 'links' page which led me here, which perhaps is a better place for this sort of info.
Has this problem really not been done before (hard to believe as it's such a prominent bloc)?

".... Dan O’Brien and I spent an evening last week wire brushing and and climbing a few lines on the the big boulder at Prospect, the monkey-head shaped one closest to the village.
Particularly nice is this steep, juggy-laybacky-dyno-y problem that ‘rides’ the lightning bolt up the north face: ... 7375/show/
V1 or V2 (depending on how low you start) on good holds: fun."

Anyway, I think it's a worthy addition to the current roster at Prospect - well worth checking out on the way to the main area. There are some other, stiffer possibilities on the same bloc too!
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Re: Fun new(?) problem at Prospect

Postby Scooter » Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:35 am

Fun! Not new though. Nice pics!
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