by Stacey » Wed May 12, 2010 11:17 pm
Greg H wrote:breau wrote:Movie with Yvon Chouinard(Black Diamond and Patagonia), Doug Tompkins(The North Face and ESPRIT), Timmy O'Neill(lookup ADHD in dictionary) and other, I think, non climbers. I'm not quite sure what the movie is about but they seem to be featuring interesting people.
PreviewMovie's websiteSéb
Inspired by the movie Mountain of Storms, my understanding of 180 south is that it is some kind of retracing of the journey Chouinard and company took to Patagonia in the 60's. It sounds like it will be a good movie and you will be able to watch it in a couple of months. The boys froms Spin It are bringing in a copy and it will be available in June.
JUNE movie night at our place
''When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.''
~John Muir