Parlee Conditions - 1994

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Parlee Conditions - 1994

Postby PaulB » Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:59 am

Reading the Parlee approach thread got me digging through some old slides, so I scanned in a few:

January 22, 1994 - My first day of ice climbing at the UNB R&I ice school


I'm pretty sure Sam Hall is in the green helmet, and the late Don Belliveau in white. Not sure who's climbing behind them.

Pete Vajda topping out

Pete again. He climbed with tools he'd made himself... very Eastern Euro.

Other newbs that I recall being there were Marc Leblanc & Dave Lister.

December 3, 1994 - Early season with Pat Keleher and Karel Allard


Pat leading

Me seconding with the club's Stubai tools and Lowe Foot Fang crampons.

Karel leading

I've climbed ice in a lot of places, but Parlee is one of my favourites. Relatively easy access, a long season, a good mix of routes and a beautiful location. Anything similar within a 4 hour drive of Vancouver would be crowded with 20 - 30 climbers (most from Washington state) every weekend of the frustratingly short west coast ice season.
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Re: Parlee Conditions - 1994

Postby *Chris* » Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:52 am

Thanks for sharing those slides Paul. Much appreciated. You might be interested to know that the club still has those Stubai tools and Footfangs and will be using them for ice school two weeks from now.
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Re: Parlee Conditions - 1994

Postby anderfo » Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:26 am

*Chris* wrote:Thanks for sharing those slides Paul. Much appreciated. You might be interested to know that the club still has those Stubai tools and Footfangs and will be using them for ice school two weeks from now.

In Parlee?
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Re: Parlee Conditions - 1994

Postby martha » Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:58 am

Ice School isn't hosted in Parlee anymore. It hasn't been in years, due to the difficult approach and climbing. So many of the ice schoolers these days are people with no climbing experience at all, and that is a bad mix in Parlee!
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Re: Parlee Conditions - 1994

Postby shannon » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:31 pm

If it isn't parlee, then where will it be held?

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Re: Parlee Conditions - 1994

Postby Stacey » Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:33 pm

Saturday is at the Quarry and Sunday is at Waterfall Wall.
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Re: Parlee Conditions - 1994

Postby *Chris* » Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:08 pm

The final details for ice school won't be ironed out until next week (pending condition reports from this weekend and weather reports for next week)

In the past few years we've found the best success is with The Quarry and Waterfall Wall. If needed... we also have the option of a day at Hayes Falls. Parlee isn't really on the radar for the reasons Cara listed.
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