Thieving Homeless-man

It’s sharp....really sharp!

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Thieving Homeless-man

Postby Scooter » Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:30 pm

Climbers please beware!

A couple of months ago (closer to a year) I was climbing at a local climbing gym with some fellow chaps. Dazed and confused by an intollerable stench from a near-by homeless spectator (possibly a drunk one too judging by the constant, vulgar, repulsive rants) I left the gym without my beloved Prana bouldering bucket. High and low I searched and many kilometers I traveled to no avail.

Come a few weeks ago I bumped into the same funny smelling fellow at yet another climbing gym, sure enough, grunting in displeasure at who-knows-what. Points his finger, stares in my directing, and smuggly admits to having posession of my bouldering bucket.

Scared (and not knowing what reaction to expect should I have confronted this strange individual), I politley nodded and suggested he return at his earliest convenience.

Sadly this individual has never been seen again and...along with him.... goes my bouldering bucket.

So I ask you all -- should you have the opportunity of sighting this character peeping through the windows of your local climbing gym -- approach with caution, befriend (again...use caution) him, offer him food...... and.... then..... quickly hit him over the head with whatever solid object is in your reach, use some fancy climbing knots to tie him up and hold him hostage, call me at 4416032, and wait for my arrival.

Cheers and good climbing.
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Re: Thieving Homeless-man

Postby chameleon » Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:57 pm

tall, lanky guy? squirrel breath?
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Re: Thieving Homeless-man

Postby Rich » Thu Jul 23, 2009 5:52 pm

If its the specimen I'm thinking about - try catching it with dry oats (putting a bit of canned tuna in there for scent would probably help too).
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