This is an invitation to climbers and non-climbers to participate in a Nova Scotia Ice Festival. With support from CNS, I would like to invite everyone to a day of ice climbing on February 7th at Halls Harbour followed by an evening of slide show presentations around 7:00 at my place at 6035 Jubilee Road in Halifax. Everyone is welcome to participate in the both the climbing and slide shows but if you only wish to come for the slide shows, that's fine. There's no charge for either or anything, for that matter.
So, here's what to do:
1. Please let me know if you're interested in attending by RSVPing my e-mail address If you don't know me or I don't know you, that's ok. E-mail me anyway to let me know for numbers.
2. If you have some photos at home and you'd like to put together a presentation (maybe 20 mins) of a recent trip or you doing pull ups in your mom's basement, or whatever you like, we'll have an LCD projector.
3. If you can provide transportation for others (and how many) OR need a drive to and from Hall's Harbour, please let me know in your RSVP e-mail.
4. If you're new to ice climbing and are curious as to what gear you might need, your standard climbing harness, helmet, belay device etc. will be fine. In addition, an older style (rear entry) pair of ski boots is best for fitting crampons.
5. BYOB and maybe some munchies. We will be providing a large pot of Chili.
I'm sure I'm forgetting all kinds of information in this post. You're welcome to e-mail me for further details and I'll continue to post things as they come up including times and drive information.
'Hope to hear from lots of people and see you on the 7th.