So I've been thinking a bit lately, (dangerous, I know) and I was wondering what everyone's opinion of the first aid/Spinal immobilization gear availible at the various climbing venues in the area is? I'm thinking of the UNB gym and Cochraine Lane specifically. Perhaps this is too big a topic for one thread to handle, but I figured I'd start things off here, and see where it goes.
The major mechanism of injury involved in the majority of climbing accidents is falls. Resulting injuries are often sprains, strains and fractures, which vary in severity, but have the potential to requre full boarding and c-spine immobilization. It is fortunate that this is a rare occurance in the field, and that injuries in general are seldom, but it does happen.
Ok, so my opinion, and just my opinion:
Currently the UNB Gym has at it's desposal the equipment in the Lord Beaverbrook Gym as well, but the first aid kit kept at the wall is rather minimal in content, and is often poorly stocked. The major injury at the gym almost to the exclusion of all else is an ankle sprain, or tendon/ligament tears. Frequently there are no dressings/bandages to treat this injury, and someone is always running to the cage in order to get ice in a bag. It's frustrating/unprofessional for gym staff to have to deal with these injuries with no equipment availible. A case full of bandaids and Alchohol swabs isn't going to do a whole lot of good for these injuries. This is something that should be approached through the club, and I plan to do that, but I also wanted community reaction/imput here as well.
Cochraine Lane: Response to previous accidents (and they have been few and far between) has been very good from what information I have gathered. Reaction time by EMS and nearby climbers has been good, and patient extracation has historically been relatively swift. It would be wonderful if it could be even quicker.
Having that spine board up there comforts me somewhat, but by itself it's not going to do a lot. Given that climbers/standard first aiders aren't necessarily going to have the skills to do a full spinal immobilization, it's at least something that medic's don't have to carry up the trail with them. Maintaining a full set of head blocks and straps along with the board would be a benefit in case of accident. The placement of the current board might be changed to a more central location as well. As for a permanent stocked first aid box, perhaps that's a bit much to ask the current community, but a central weatherproof container for supplies might be a good idea. This is something I plan to approach the UNB Rock and Ice Club about this summer, though I have no problem with building the box myself. Any imput on location would be appreciated here.
Other locations should be considered as well. Hopefully climbing will only increase in popularity in future years, I hope that it will increase in safety as well.