I'm with Conan,
I'm ready to quit here too.
I know nearly all of you on this board, and I have met most of you at some event or another and I think you are all really great people. Some of you I consider to be very close friends. But for some reason on this board, everyone gets their back up and starts to get personal.
Can't we have a discussion about anything in here without personally attacking others and without being negative? Can't we just assume that people have their and others best interests at heart insead of assuming that people are out to get you?
There are dozens and dozens of posts on this forum that do not add to the discussion and are simply one line hits at another member or a smart ass remark about something that isn't constructive. That is the stuff that really gets to me. The stuff that isn't necessary or constructive, and often posted by 'guests' who won't own up to their mouth. It is childish. Most of those comments would never be made in a face to face discussion.
Fred's forum before, used to be great. (And this one still is, save for the last few weeks of discussion.) We had some great discussions, and although it still got heated, and every once in a while a post had to be deleted for content, but it happened very rarely.
Fred is providing the community with a great service and resource here. He spends many hours maintaining the site and he has one thing in his mind with all of this; To benefit the climbing community. There is no personal gain here. He could spend the time he uses for this forum on a million other things like work, or climbing or spending time with his family, but he considers all of you part of his climbing family. Just like all of you who help out.
None of you do it for personal gain. The CNS board aren't there for personal gain. It is simply their way of putting back into the climbing community. All of the other CNS members and volunteers that help out at many events including Boulderfest, IceDays etc do it because they love to climb, and want everyone to enjoy it just as much. FOR THE COMMUNITY.
The people on the UNB exec who spend hours doing things for the club, and the countless volunteers who have helped with Film Fest, birthday parties, courses, construction, comps etc etc etc. None of them do it for personal gain, they do it because they want to help the local climbing community. Many of them are here on this forum, just putting thier 2 cents into the discussion.
There are dozens of you in NB and NS who have helped with various trail erosion projects to help their climbing areas. Spending 2 or 3 sweaty days in buggy conditions doing back breaking work. Not for personal gain. For the love of the community, putting back what we take from the areas we climb in and sustaining the future for other climbers. I'm sure that any of those volunteers could have spent the days climbing somewhere bug free, working in their gardens or just simply doing something not so incredibly hard and demanding. But they didn't. they were there.
All this to prove that we are all good people with good intentions. So can we please try to keep this board free from all the crap and bad feelings?
Slap a smile on, suck it up and just shake hands and be friends. K?