Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

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Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby anderfo » Fri May 23, 2008 5:02 am

Dear fellows,
I am a PhD student from Norway and in August I'm going to Fredericton for a conference (Myoelectric controls symposium) at UNB. It lasts 10-15 August but I will probably be there 8-20 August or something like that.

Since I am a climber, and since I consider moving to Fredericton next year (August 2009-July 2010), I'd like to use this possibility to see the climbing facilities of the area and get some friends.

I have only been climbing for about 2 years so I'm not at a high level (redpointing 6b+). I have experience from sport climbing and ice climbing, in Italy and Norway.

I know nothing about climbing in Canada and I've never been outside Europe...
Do you have any advices for my trip, and would you like to show me some nice crags when I'm there?

Best regards,
(Trondheim, Norway)
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Re: Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby STeveA » Fri May 23, 2008 7:56 am

Climbing in New Brunswick in August should be good. The weather may be a little hot but the bugs are gone and the cliffs should be in prime condition. If you have a harness and shoes you should be able to tag along with the local climbers. Most of the climbing required placing protection so you would need a rack of gear, although there are probably enough sport climbs to keep you happy for the trip.

Best thing is to post on the forum as the time gets closer to find out who is around.
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Re: Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby anderfo » Mon May 26, 2008 3:40 am

Thanks!. I'll bring a harness and shoes and check this forum for people before I leave..
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Re: Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby anderfo » Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:52 am

Now it's getting closer; next Friday (8 August) I'm leaving for Fredericton and I'll stay there until 19 August. The conference is 13-15 August so I'll have some free time before and after.

Would anyone like to go climbing with me then? -sport or trad climbing.
I'll bring my harness and shoes if anyone will be there - but I guess I'll leave the heavy equipment here in Norway...

My level (more or less): Redpointing 6c (5.11b?), onsighting 6a (5.10a?), trad 5c (5.9?).

I hope to see some of you!

(I'll bring my cell phone (+47 97158863) if you want to reach me, but email or this forum is probably a cheaper option ;) )
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Re: Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby Adam » Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:00 am

there will be lots of people out during that time i'm sure. PM me and i'll give you my coords.
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Re: Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby Shawn B » Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:13 pm

Hi Anders
Absolutely love your avatar. Looks like you rip on the teles. I'm in Saint John but should be around Welsford on the weekend if this weather ever breaks. Hope to meet up with you.
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Re: Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby anderfo » Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:14 am

Shawn B wrote:Hi Anders
Absolutely love your avatar. Looks like you rip on the teles. I'm in Saint John but should be around Welsford on the weekend if this weather ever breaks. Hope to meet up with you.

BTW, how are usually the conditions for skiing in New Brunswick or nearby? Any possibilities for randonnée/ski mountaineering or just ski resorts? Long season?
Hope to see some of you next week,
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Re: Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby Adam » Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:40 am

lol... well, we used to see a lot of americans coming up here with skiis on their roof in the summer... but i haven't seen any in the past few years.

no, there's no snow in NB in the summer. season goes from about late november to early april. it varies year to year.
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Re: Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby anderfo » Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:39 am

trad_reborn wrote:lol... well, we used to see a lot of americans coming up here with skiis on their roof in the summer... but i haven't seen any in the past few years.

no, there's no snow in NB in the summer. season goes from about late november to early april. it varies year to year.

Ah yes that's about how I thought it was; the same as here (regarding the season).
Do you have nice mountains for skiing, or mostly forest skiing near the ski resorts? Good off-piste?
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Re: Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby Shawn B » Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:24 pm

Nothing like I'm sure you are used to but yes there are 2 areas that are approx a 5-6 hour drive that have good backcountry skiing. The Chic Choc mountains in Quebec are probably the nicer of the two. Season there starts in December in a good year and goes until May/June. The operators of the park are strange with only allowing "official" skiing in certain areas with a lot of good skiing "off limits". I think its their way of avoiding avalanche deaths. The White Mountains in New Hampshire also has some good skiing. Mt Washington offers nice steep skiing but is also highly avalanche prone and very harsh weather (160kph winds are normal there). Season can start there in the lower elevation trees in December but the better alpine terrain doesn't usually get good until Feb with Mar and Apr being the better months and slush skiing sometimes lasting through June. A small ski hill is 45 mins from Fredericton and a couple of decent size resorts are a 5 hours drive in Maine.
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Re: Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby Adam » Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:02 pm

Shawn B wrote:Nothing like I'm sure you are used to but yes there are 2 areas that are approx a 5-6 hour drive that have good backcountry skiing. The Chic Choc mountains in Quebec are probably the nicer of the two. Season there starts in December in a good year and goes until May/June. The operators of the park are strange with only allowing "official" skiing in certain areas with a lot of good skiing "off limits". I think its their way of avoiding avalanche deaths. The White Mountains in New Hampshire also has some good skiing. Mt Washington offers nice steep skiing but is also highly avalanche prone and very harsh weather (160kph winds are normal there). Season can start there in the lower elevation trees in December but the better alpine terrain doesn't usually get good until Feb with Mar and Apr being the better months and slush skiing sometimes lasting through June. A small ski hill is 45 mins from Fredericton and a couple of decent size resorts are a 5 hours drive in Maine.

basically, if you want to find the best skiing in NA don't come to the east
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Re: Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby anderfo » Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:21 pm

Thanks, it doesn't really sound too bad! I going there mostly for the studies/research next year, so I don't have the choice about where to go, luckily you have climbing and ice climbing there too! Looking forward to checking out the climbing now. Leaving in 5-6 hours... see you there!
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Re: Trip from Norway to Fredericton in August

Postby anderfo » Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:06 am

the guys i joined last weekend are in quebec now - anyone else that would like to climb today, tomorrow or monday? (i go back to norway on tuesday morning)
i'm ready to climb outdoors or indoors; i have harness & shoes but no rope and no car.
you may find me on anderfo() or cell phone +47 97158863, or you might meet find me in queens street..
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