Well put Jeff. To answer your and Todd's questions:
As people may or may not know, at the annual general meeting of CNS at the end of April I was elected President of Climb Nova Scotia. Unfortunately, I am living in Ottawa for the summer for a co-op term so my involvement in CNS activities is limited at the moment to email correspondence until I return to Halifax in September.
Last week I proposed to the executive of CNS that we purchase some bouldering pads. Specifically, I recommended that we buy at least two large pads for use at the Monday night boulder series and Boulderfest. These pads, I feel, ought to also be available for any CNS member to borrow provided they are not being used for a specific CNS event.
There has been discussion among the executive regarding these purchases and I have not heard back from everyone just yet. As President, I don't have a vote on the executive, so the support and feedback of the rest of the board is critical.
Proponents of buying the pads, myself included, have cited that CNS has ice gear, rock hardware, and ropes, but no bouldering equipment - a prime activity in Nova Scotia. I feel that CNS should be more visible in the community and that people ought to be more aware of what we do. I think a great way to do that would be to have two big monster pads with "CNS" painted on 'em in big letters sitting at the bottom of V0- problems every Monday for the rookies to instill confidence, and the same pads waiting to catch the toughguys(girls) when they bail off their highball testpiece later in the week.
Opponents of buying the pads have cited that CNS already owns a pad (but we actually don't - if we do, no one knows where it is or who has it), that there are legal concerns (I have drafted a waiver and release form which I being reviewed by an expert at the moment and will be rolled out in the near future when I know more), that pads are available to rent from MEC (I called them and they have two pads, one is a decent BD dropzone and the other is an old MEC one. Each is available for $8/day), and that storage is an issue (I would be willing to take one of the pads, and I really don't think it would be that hard to store the other one. SeanT, could we store one at GZ if worst came to worst?).
Anyway, the jury is still out. I will be drafting a letter to potentially send to pad manufacturers with the goal of getting some kind of deal on them, since CNS is a non-profit. To answer your question about funds, yes, CNS does get some money from Sport Nova Scotia annually, and as a member you are entitled to see our balance sheets and budget. The treasurer this year is Ben Quek, last year it was Conan Baker. I don't know how much cash we have on hand right now, I'm waiting to hear back from Ben. I can tell you, however, that CNS does not usually make money on Boulderfest. Proceeds from ticket sales go to buy the prizes and the food and pay Norm to ferry people out there. I believe we lost money on the event last year, but that's totally fine cause that's what the money is for.
CNS is a volunteer organization with an elected board. We don't meet as often as we would like to because we are all busy people. As such, it can take time to get things done but hopefully, at the end, something actually DOES get done. I couldn't agree more that CNS' primary mandate is to promote climbing in Nova Scotia, and that a great way to do that and be seen is to make our resources available to climbers.
A big thanks to Steve for stepping up to the plate and making Monday night bouldering happen this year. I really want CNS to have a more active role in the series, and I'm hoping that we can get the legal stuff sorted out so CNS can really take on the organization and planning in the future.
If anyone ever has any questions about CNS and what we are up to, feel free to contact me. If you have opinions on why we should/shouldn't buy pads, what kind of pads we should get, new events you want to see or courses you want to have available, why CNS is awesome or sucks, post up or email.
Mick Levin
President - Climb Nova Scotia