Moderators: chossmonkey, Dom, granite_grrl, peter, Climb Nova Scotia, Matt Peck is not responsible for messages posted on the Forums or the content therein. Unless expressly stated otherwise, this includes messages posted by personnel, representatives, moderators, administrators, and their agents by proxy. You use the site and the information contained within it at your own risk.
Climbing is a sport where you can be killed, maimed, or crippled even if you do everything right. Certain types of climbing can be almost as dangerous as driving to the crag! Proper technique and experience may limit the risks involved, and you are advised to seek professional instruction prior to attempting the activities depicted and discussed on the site. But in the end, you must accept these risks of your own volition, and we make no warranty that anything on the site is fit for the purpose of instruction, guidance, or consumption.
Everything on this site could be completely, dangerously false. We cannot accept liability for your actions should you choose to rely on the information which users have contributed to the site."
martha wrote:I think that Fred's concern is that people will use the discussion as a 'how to guide'. but it really isn't any different than talking about anchors, belay techniques or other things related to climbing.
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