Main Face Report?

It’s sharp....really sharp!

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Main Face Report?

Postby chameleon » Mon May 05, 2008 12:06 pm

anyone out there on the weekend?
what's the bug report and condition of the cracks (water wise...I know they're filled with moss and dirt :roll: )

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Re: Main Face Report?

Postby Zamboni » Mon May 05, 2008 5:46 pm

Got out sunday for an intro tour with Jo, Jamie, & Victoria with myself, Peter and Tom. Peter lead into the blue, than down to Pop corn with Tom and Victoria. Jamie lead the first and second pitch of Pop corn. I lead the second pitch of pop corn and the third pitch of either Direct Line or Main line (instead of the 3rd pitch of pop corn). The Bugs were out in the morning, gone around noon and back out around 6pm.

Did you get out Saturday?

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Re: Main Face Report?

Postby peter » Wed May 07, 2008 11:09 pm

I was sucking bugs into my nose in the shade, but they didn't seem too bad otherwise. Actually, they were a bit like boulderers: they looked like mosquitos, were shaped like mosquitos, but then they just flew about without actually doing anything -- disappointing.

The classic 5.6 to 5.8 cracks were a bit wet in the nether-regions. I really don't mind putting my hand in there, in fact I like it, but I must admit I was having trouble holding on until the crux was reached, and had to grab anything within reach by the end. No doubt that reflects age-related endurance issues on my part. There must be a pill I could take?

Anything which was exposed to the sun -- which did not include any of us well-shirted climbers -- was actually quite okay. Mr. Puff looked as good as any (former) sandbag could look, from ground level. I would definitely jump on that action.

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