It all depends on you're into, I guess. I went down 'cause it was an oppurtunity to go down there for a week and I was interested in the clinics (not overly well organized, and I didn't get a lot from it) and I was expecting more social events and to get more out of the ones they had. Yes I am comparing it to the New river Renvevous (which is the only other large scale climber event that I've been to), and that's probobly not fair, but it is what it is.
I was never interested in standing around watching other people climb, and so I didn't. Its not my bag baby! but it obviously is for a lot of people (and that's cool, leaves more climbs open for me at the crags
I think I would have enjoyed Rocktoberfest more without the Rock Trip. But for many who enjoy star gazing it was an oppurtunity.