mathieu wrote:actually i've got a good idea who did this site. "Sending like telegrams" that is definatly the work of ..... NBMF. Actually i've found out exactly who it is through hours of being bored on the road but I can't just go and tell.
well, the phrase 'send like a telegram' was coined during the boulderfest activities of 2003. Those involved in this breakthrough of literary genious were first and foremost, Mike Fellows. Then myself, Fred, Mat B, and Goodman were in close attendance.
I know that I didn't do it. Fred says that he didn't do it. Mat, you are claiming that you didn't do it. that leaves us with 2 people.
HOWEVER, there were some others let in on the 'send like telegram' story. those people include Stef, Mr. Lister and a few others. SO...I still don't know who it is. and I don't feel like sifting through 14 pages of posts on But..It may end in that. Thank you mat for the good detective work.
The phrase "working mother" is redundant. ~Jane Sellman
If a husband speaks in the woods, and his wife is not there to hear he still wrong?