by chossmonkey » Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:52 pm
new to NB wrote:I am not to sure what a PM is
A "PM" is computer slang. It is a private message. There are links marked "PM" at the bottom of everyones posts and also in their profile. Just click on that and type your message just like you would to make a post. When you submit it only the person you send it to will see it.
There is also a link in the top right hand corner that shows if you have PM's that someone has sent to you. It is in the third line down under the smaller "Climb Eastern Canada" in the top right corner. If you have no messages it will say, "You have no new messages". It will like wise show when there is a new message for you to read. I hope that helps.
If women ruled the world there would be no wars, just be a bunch of jealous countries not talking to each other.