Well it was an interesting couple of days, not quite what I anticipated but entertaining none the less. We headed out early Wednesday morning and basicaly spent the whole day looking for the blasted place. Initialy we tried the Parlee Brook road. Wandered around there for a couple of hours ( Has any one seen all those cats at the abby? we drove by once and there were none, when we came back, there were over 15 and they kept coming!) We then drove over to what seems to be the main approach and got hopelessly confused with all the various logging roads. by then it was almost 4, and desperate to use our tools at least once in the 2 days we high tailed it down to the Quarry at Welsford in the hopes of finding ice. We camped out and the next morning found a thin smattering of ice. Well we climbed it out of frustraition, but by 1:00 the sun had all but fried the entire area.
So as I said, it wasn't quite what I had anticipated. It was entertaining, but not quite as satisfying. Next time I'll have to kidnap.....I mean "invite" someone along who knows the directions!