Moderators: chossmonkey, Dom, granite_grrl
*Chris* wrote: Is it different than the typical "Rite In the Rain" paper? I've printed airphotos to that stuff but the color gets distorted.
I have heard that the Federal Government has decided to stop printing topographic maps. Is this true or is it an internet hoax?
Aside from the fact that mapping our territory is an important part of our sovereignty claims over the north, these printed maps are also an essential service for Canadians. From use in search and rescue, to recreational hiking, to forestry, mining, and disaster response, it is important to have readily available printed maps for anywhere in our country.
I am a Cartographer and a GIS Analyst. There are great advantages to digital topographic data, but it can not replace the professionally printed topographic map. Maps on GPS devices are helpful, but very limited. GPS devices are best used in conjunction with a printed map. Some GIS professionals such as myself have access to plotters and can print large maps, but the ink available on most plotters will not hold up to outdoor conditions. The ink fades and will not stand up to dampness.
There has been no change in technology which has had any significant effect on the need for high quality printed topographic maps. That is my professional opinion.
Teth Cleveland, GIS Coordinator
Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations
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