Bodyline 5.10a G (S. Punshon, unseconded, 25th August 06)
Starts just right of Enervator and climbs the steep aesthetically pleasing shallow dihedral. Tricky step into dihedral to reach good finger lock (#1 friend). Run it out using the intermittent crack in the dihedral and the left arete to reack a ledge at the base of the wide crack of Euthanasia. A superb and natural direct start to Euthanasia, which is possibly the best fist crack in Nova Scotia. This route superceeds the poor original start up the bolted groove of Enervator and is much more in keeping with the overhanging crack.
I doubt anyone has led Euthanasia since I did it about three years ago, but then again you need big arms and bollocks to match in order to climb that one!
I see someone is recleaning E-gads.