CNS Ice Days - Sunday January 30/05

It’s sharp....really sharp!

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CNS Ice Days - Sunday January 30/05

Postby peter » Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:55 pm

Tides are not great for climbing on the Fundy Coast next weekend: high tide at a little after 3:00 p.m.. Compare with the first day, when high tide was almost two hours later than this and you will get the picture!

The weather should be stable and cold all week. There seems to be no risk of a melt out. So where to go then?

I suggest we plan to go to Deep Cove on the South Shore. It is in-land, and in the sun. It should continue to form through the sunny, cold weather. On the other hand, I haven't checked it out in four weeks, but let's assume ice is fully formed. It is an accessible and an easily top-roped area.

How many are interested?

Steve-O-Renos at 8:00 a.m. Sunday, unless otherwise discussed here. See previous posts regarding the nature of ice days. All the earlier provisos apply! Come though, and we will make it work for you.

For those of you coming from the Valley, you can cut across at Windsor or Kentville heading for Chester. Deep Cove is on the Halifax side of Chester.

email me at for details. CNS has enough gear to help the unencumbered, but let me know what your needs are.

Having missed last Sunday, I, for one, am itching to get out.

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Postby climberwannabe » Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:04 pm

Hell yeah, I am interested... just need to become a member by Sunday... any ideas???? I still need some boots, and if anyone who looking at selling some are going to be there on the weekend I'd like to try them out, otherwise I'll check frenchies/ salvation for a pair of ski boots. Oh, and I live in Greenwood, so I can drive if anyone wants to car pool from this area.

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CNS Ice Days

Postby Guest (Peter) » Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:56 pm

I wish to encourage everyone that comes out to CNS Ice Days to be or become a CNS Member.

The benefits of membership are practical, discounts, newsletter, access issues, etc. but it is also an important expression of support for the organization recognized and funded by Sport Nova Scotia on the basis of membership size. The more members, the more govt money is dedicated to supporting climbing in Nova Scotia.

That being said, we won't turn you away just because you aren't. It is a gathering of climbers organized by CNS, with CNS gear available, but open to all.

Please consider getting a membership at your earliest convenience. See the "About" link, and "Membership" sub-link, at for how-to.

Guest (Peter)

Postby The Teth » Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:52 pm

[img] [/img]

This might help people find the place. I hope this is not considered to be an abuse of the X-img site, but it was a convenient way of getting it online. I will remove it next week.

Teth Cleveland
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Postby Zamboni » Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:24 pm

I'm interested!
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Postby mike » Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:31 pm

Yea Peter, unless something changes... I'm in... I'll see if I can dig up some compadres as well.

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Postby climberwannabe » Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:07 am

so does anyone have a spair pair of boots... I checked out sport swappers and frenchies for ski boots to no avail..... I'm willing to buy second hand if anyone is looking to rid themselves of a pair![/list]
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Postby johnb » Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:22 am

I have a pair of raichle single leathers, crampon compatable. You want to make sure you have rigid crampons though since they are rigid boots. Keep in mind these bts are not heavily insulated as a double boot would be, that being said I have used them for lots of ice and had no problems. If you get cold feet easily they may not be for you but the price is cheap. $125. I am in NB but go to NS regularly.

Ice Climbing Sunday Jan 30/05

Postby (Guest) Peter at Work! » Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:51 pm

Weather remains solid for Sunday.

Meet at 8:00 a.m. at Steve-O-Renos coffee on Brunswick at Spring Garden (one block north). Departure 8:15 a.m.. Car pooling available.

Deep Cove "should" have ice, given what I saw forming Dec. 26/04, and what has formed elsewhere since.

Gaiters or snowshoes useful. It is a short (five minute) walk in on a trail, then up a small scree slope, but there will be snow in the woods, unless snowmobilers have packed it down for us.

Looks frosty so dress for the cold and bring food and water. ... ric_e.html

See you there!

(Guest) Peter at Work!

ice climbing this sunday

Postby shannon from PEI » Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:13 pm


I'll be there! I've got crampons to share and pictures to take. I'll be there until mid afternoon when I need to get back to the island.

shannon Burt
shannon from PEI

best way

Postby climberwannabe » Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:44 pm

Hey guys, sounds awesome, looking forward to trying this. If anyone has spares please bring them... I'll owe you one. Hey whats the best way for me to get there, I live in the valley... is it easier for me to go directly to the site or drive to halifax?

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Postby climberwannabe » Sat Jan 29, 2005 3:34 pm

Hey Peter, I might not be able to check this post again today... if you wouldnt mind calling me if you dont see that I've replied to the earlier post about getting to the site?? 902 765 8969, and ask for Steve. I'm gonna print off that map that "Teth" put on earlier this week for Deep Cove, I should be able to find it, just not sure if its faster or better to just goto Halifax. Anyways, thanks for your help... and if anyone else from the valley is going feel free to call me as well I am willing to drive if anyone wants to come in my car. Let me know.

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Ice Climbing - Sunday January 30/05

Postby Peter Mcmac » Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:35 pm

Hey, we have a solid group shaping up for tomorrow.

Makes me kind of wish I had looked at the ice at Deep Cove in advance ... But the conditions have been great for ice formation.

If you are going straight there, there is a side road, perpedicular to the highway, facing a cliff left of the hwy.

Best bet, if you are going straight there and aren't clear where it is, is to come around 9:30, to see where the cars are parked.

There is a short walk back up the highway, keeping the cliff/ridge on you left, then a cut through the woods on a snowmobile trail, still keeping the cliff on your left, and voila!

Call me on my cellular at 456-4324, if you are having any trouble getting downtown on time to rally, or get to Deep Cove but can't find the climbers.

I am estimating at least ten, probably more, so it should be a great day out.

If you have long slings, please bring them! We can probably set up three top ropes.

Peter Mcmac

Postby rendog » Sat Jan 29, 2005 5:48 pm

dwish I coulda been there man... never thought i 'd see the day when NS ice was in better shape than Rockies ice but tis true!

the weather out here right now is gross for ice climbing...but still just too chilly to go rockclimbing. DAMMIT!

ah well...hope everything goes well for yall tomorrow. I'll cehck here for the updates as to how it all went down and if anyone else gets to have soaker feet like i did after this HAHHAHA
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Rendog goes West

Postby Peter Mcmac » Sun Jan 30, 2005 12:25 am

Damn Ren, you might have to find something better to do.

Don't leave the house. Better too hot than too cold.
Peter Mcmac

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