I'm looking for advice and direction on rope buying.
My current rope is a 70m 10mm Mammut Galaxy (light blue). I got it at MEC for ~200$ in 2001 or 2002.
I figure it's time to retire it and purchase a new one. I would like to have 10.0mm 60 or 70m (if i have the option that would be awesome). I would prefer it to be:
Brand: Mammut
Triosafe (if possible, but no big deal)
Fully Dry (core + sheith treated)
I lead 35-50% of my routes currently and the rest is top roping. I don't take lead falls very often (so far never outdoors).
I would prefer to buy the Mammut but I can't seem to be sure what colour I will get when I order.
Can anyone recommend another place aside from MEC.ca that I can get a rope in Canada?
Any hints or comment would be great. My spending range is 150-250 roughly. If its the rope I want, i don't mind paying a little extra.