Yes, it's nearly that time of year again. Registration for Boulderfest will start at the AGM on wednesday. The cost for members is $30 and non-members is $40. There is a list of current members found at . Last names are removed. If you are unsure if it's you, ask. If you are not on that list you can become a cns member very easily... right online!
Here is what you need to do/know to register for boulderfest.
1) goto
2) if you are ALREADY a cns member. (on the list) , please register with the 'Events Only' option about half way down the page. (your status will be changed by admin within a few days. If you are NOT a cns member and don't plan on becoming one (why wouoldn't you), please also select the Events only.
3) once completed you will be able to login to the website. For 'Events Only' registration this will only give you the added advantage to easily sign-up for CNS events. CNS members will get a few little extras.
4) if you are not a member of CNS you can now make a payment with visa/mastercard or even with your bank account through paypal (you don't have to be a paypal member). Make sure the email address you provide matches the one you signed-up with or it may take longer to process your payments.
5) wait. the link to the actual boulderfest registration will be posted wednesday night after the AGM. But if you show up to the AGM you will get to sign-up there! Remember, first 70 people only!
6) pay for boulderfest (additional waivers are also required)
if there are any questions/concerns please let me know.
note: you can become an individual member of CNS if you are 14 or older (Teth this is confirmed right?). If you are younger than 18 you are required to provide a signed waiver from your parent/guardian.