by john » Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:07 am
UNB Rock and Ice club invites and encourages everyone to use the UNB climbing facility during regular hours. The is no rule which stipulates an age requirement for non active participants during regular hours. We ask only that anyone physically climbing sign a waiver prior to activity; those under the age of majority must have a parent or legal gaurdian sign for them. Children are welcome during regular hours with close parental supervision, however, typically we suggest families with young ones to attend family night (Sturady 4-6pm, during the acedemic year only), at which time no university students or general public without children are to be present. This is not to say that Saturday is the only time children can climb they are welcome during regular hours, but typically do not attend as it is very crowded and frequented by an obviously older group. Therefore, a few years ago family nite was established to provided families with a time for themselves.
The above does not address the concern of nonactive participants, i.e. very young children and infants. As with any UNB facility, they too are welcome during regular hours as long as they are accompanied by an adult (and obviously not climbing). At this point it is up to the parents to look out for their childrens safety through close supervision. The situation is the same for a UNB basket ball game or for soccer game, anyone can watch, but the younger ones need supervision to assure their safety and monitor behavior.
The situation becomes more complicated if a child misbehaves in any way, in which case the monitor of the evening always reserves the right the ask the parents to control the childs behavior, and is severe situations leave. At this point the parent will likely be embarasssed and comply (as most people have common sense). We have never had a situation where anything more then this has ever taken place. Most of the time when you explain the rules to a parent and let them know about family night, they look around let the children try it for a few minutes and come back Saturday.
Now, lets consider the situation you are actually talking about, the case of an infant. They clearly need the closest supervision for their own well being, but are the easiest to monitor since they are not mobile. UNB Rock and Ice is in no position to tell any parent they can't bring their child to our public facility, we can only explian the risks (which there are very few with close supervision) and make them aware, that is our responsibiltiy. If an infant is crying constantly we can ask the parents to take them outside and calm them down in fairness to other users and hopefully this would be any parents reaction anyway.
I can appreciate your concern for a minor, we should all care so much and there would be little to worry about in the first place. In the situation I believe you are refering to, I have always seen close supervision and see no problem. If you do, on your monitoring night speak with the parents re-iterate the above and let them know there is a potential risk if unsupervised.
UNB Rock and Ice welcomes everyone of all ages during regular hours, but asks that children be closly supervised and have a waiver signed by a parent or gaurdian if under the age of 18 prior to any activity. Hope this helps.
John Bowles
President UNB Rock and Ice