by The Teth » Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:56 am
We did not have a secretary to take minutes at the AGM so I slapped something together to let people know what happed. Not very detailed I know, but it was over a week before I had time to get to this and I had no notes to work with.
Climb Nova Scotia Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 6:30 pm
2nd Floor Classroom, Sport Nova Scotia building, 5516 Spring Garden Road
- Minutes of Last Meeting: The minutes were not brought to the meeting so the minutes were not read.
- President's Report (summery of what CNS did this year): See Appendix A.
- Auditor's Report (CNS budget and financial situation): CNS made over $1000 this year, mostly because there were no guide books or films sponsored this year. The extra money will likely be spent this coming year to bring in a high level instructor to train new instructor trainers.
- Election of Directors:
Heather Reynolds Sagar joined and took the executive position of Secretary
Conan Baker joined and took the executive position of Treasurer
Jeremy How join the board of directors.
Chris Hayes is no longer Treasurer and is now an Ex Official director.
Teth Cleveland remains a director, and took the role of Membership Coordinator
David Blanchard remains a director and Clinic Administrator
Cara Berube remains a director, but is no longer Membership Coordinator
Ben Smith remains a director and was elected President
Keith Swyer remains a director and Webmaster.
Chris Daniel remains a director.
James LaRusic remains an Ex Official director.
Rafal Andronowski is assumed to have abdicated.
Felix Hanke resigned his director position.
- Election of Chairperson (New President): Ben Smith was elected as chair person.
- Discussion on proposal to admit climbers under the age of 16 as a class to membership as associate members. This would allow CNS to have junior members using Article 3, clause 02 of the Climb Nova Scotia bylaws.
Motion was passed. Climbers under 16 my now join CNS as Associate members.
- Open Boulderfest registration (For members)
Laptops were available for online registration at the end of the AGM.
- Screening of a climbing Video by Keith Swyer. Ran out of time. No screening.
Appendix A:
Climb Nova Scotia
Year in Review: 2005/2006
Board Changes
Ben Smith, Chris Daniel, Rafal Andronowski, Felix Hanke, and Keith Swyer joined the board.
Cara Berube (formerly Cara Hazelton) was made a full director. She had been an ex-officio director.
James LaRusic went from a full director to an ex-officio director so that he would not be obligated to attend meetings. Ex-officio directors do not effect quorum for board meetings, but can still represent the board in negotiations.
Keith Swyer took over the roll of Webmaster.
Rafal Andronowski took the roll of Co Newsletter editor, and then took over full responsibility for the newsletter when Denise Fillion moved back to Calgary. Rafal has yet to produce a newsletter.
Denise Fillion’s absence also leaves the Secretary position open. Secretary is one of the three executive positions on the board.
Milk Energy Sport Fair:
CNS paid for two belayers for the climbing wall at the sport fair held at Dalplex. Heather Sagar agreed to hand out CNS brochures at the event. Many youth got their first opportunity to experience climbing at this event. Getting youth involved in sport is a high priority to the Department of Health Promotion which provides the primary funding for Climb Nova Scotia.
CNS Sponsored The Community Justice Society to take 9 “youth at risk” climbing at Ground Zero climbing gym. Again, this is inline with Department of Health Promotion priorities.
Boulderfest 2005 was successfully organized by Cara Berube, with assistance from Nathan Smith, Chris Daniel, Devin Lyons, Stacy Lockerbie, Roger Fage, Felix Hanke, Rafal Andronowski, Ben Smith, Conon Baker, and others. Special mention should be given to Chris Daniel who managed to get the free keg of Keith’s beer, Conon who got the beer to the boat, and to Ben Smith who’s energy really helped carry things along.
CNS Top-Rope Clinics:
CNS held a Top-Rope clinic in the Fall. HRM Department of Recreation also organized a CNS Top-Rope Clinic in the Fall of 2005.
At the 2005 AGM CNS members voted to change the CNS by-laws so that 10% of the money CNS takes in is placed in an Access Fund. A separate account has been setup for this fund and 10% of the money CNS took in this past year will be placed in the fund. If CNS receives donations for the Access fund, they will be placed in the new account as well.
Terence Bay Woods Access Issue.
Climbers were asked to stop bouldering in this area because the landowners are planning on building their house in the middle of it. Although construction of their house has been delayed, they still have concerns over people climbing on their land. CNS has been able to convince the land owners to allow CNS events on their land. The land owners agreed to this because CNS is insured. CNS hosted a bouldering event in Terence Bay Woods in the Fall of 2005 and a second event in the winter of 2006. Negotiations are ongoing to get more regular access to the Woods.
Cape Breton Highlands National Park access issue:
Negotiations with the Cape Breton Highlands National Park were successfully concluded this Spring and the cliff at Black Brook is now open to climbing. Climbers must visit the Warden’s Office in Ingonish to acquire a free permit before climbing. It is likely that CNS could negotiate access to Little Smoky as well, but if Black Brook does not see much traffic it may not be worth the effort to open a second cliff in the same area.
Bridgetown Access Issue.
Negotiations for access have been handled by local climbers who have made good progress. There has been a recent issue with a landowner who controls the preferred path to the boulders and possibly some of the boulders as well, who is now concerned about having boulderers on their land. CNS is monitoring this situation.
Rebolting At Eagle’s Nest.
Some of the bolts at Eagles Nest may date back to the early 1980's, they are smaller than the bolts we use now, many of them are poorly placed from a sport climbing perspective, and many of them are in questionable condition. Many bolts need to be replaced. A number of years ago this was pursued, but there was some sort of hangup with getting permission from the Halifax Regional Municipality. Board changes since then leave us unsure of where things left off, but we need to revisit this.
Web Site Changes
Keith Swyer took over the roll of Webmaster and created a completely new CNS Website. The new website includes online registration with online payment for memberships, Boulderfest, and CNS top-rope courses. It also contains many other new and cool features.