Ego Verticalis

For all the motormouths who just need to spray.

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Ego Verticalis

Postby snoop fogg » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:03 pm

Ego Verticalis

One damp morning I saw a line so beautiful
I thought
you shall be mine

cleaned and drilled
cursed and swore
you were new born
my excitement was great

smeared and crimped
pinched and jammed
I tell you
it is the finest in the country

you are now forever mine
and your name is Balls in Chlorine
the grade is actually 5.12d

but I give you 5.12a
so others will be confused
I will seem better than all
they shall tremble, sweat, bleed, cry and fall

my Ego shines like a sun
I am the strongest here on earth
bend yourself over in chalk dust, you poor hangdogs
here climbs the world's Eighth Wonder
snoop fogg
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Joined: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:57 pm

Re: Ego Verticalis

Postby mick » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:10 pm

keep Smizzle away or it will get downgraded to .11b
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Re: Ego Verticalis

Postby Adam » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:51 pm

Ego Vizzle

dizzle mornizzle I sizzle a lizzle so bizzle
shizzle bizzle

mizzle and drizzle
and sworizzle
wizzle nizzle born
my excizzle wizzle grizzle

swizzle and crizzle
and jizzle tizzle
you izzle
is thizzle fizzle in thizzle country

you arizzle now forizzle mizzle
your nizzle is Bizzle in Chlorizzle
grizzle is actuizzle 5.12d

but I gizzle you 5.12izzle
othizzle wizzle bizzle confusizzle
wizzle sizzle bizzle thizzle all
thizzle shizzle trizzle swizzle blizzle cry and fizzle

Ego shizzle lizzle a sun
I am thizzle strongizzle hizzle on eizzle
yoursizzle ovizzle in chizzle dust, you poor hizzle
clizzle thizzle world's Eizzle Wondizzle
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