
For all the motormouths who just need to spray.

Moderators: chossmonkey, Dom, granite_grrl


Postby chossmonkey » Thu Dec 29, 2016 10:54 pm

The site was over run by spammers and when the spam accounts were deleted the topics were left behind. In order to clean out the ghost topics they need to be manually deleted. Considering there are over 100,000 posts and I'm doing them 750 at a time there is a possibility I could accidentally delete someones posts if they were mixed in. If you have posted in since Sept. and don't want you posts deleted please PM me so I can find your post(s) and move it to a safe place while I'm deleting.
If women ruled the world there would be no wars, just be a bunch of jealous countries not talking to each other.
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Re: Sorry!!!

Postby chossmonkey » Thu Dec 29, 2016 10:58 pm

Please note that if a spammer posted to one of your posts it should be easier for me to see the post and save it. I'm mostly concerned about possible posts that were buried in the mass spamming.
If women ruled the world there would be no wars, just be a bunch of jealous countries not talking to each other.
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Location: Running a muck.

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