handmade bouldering pants

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handmade bouldering pants

Postby stoneseeker » Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:57 pm

I thought I'd share this here, since some of you may be interested in creative climbing attire ... I have a feeling I may get made fun of, but ah well.
So, to explain the following madness...
I love a good comfy pair of thai fishing pants, especially for travelling and being a climbing bum in foreign places, but I have found them frustrating to wear bouldering, mostly for the wraparound crotch thing, which I find limits movement. I am also usually disappointed by the lack of anything interesting or new on the shelves at MEC from any of the major outdoor clothing companies, especially in the realm of climbing pants.

SOoooo, I decided to make a pair of comfy, flexible, aesthetically pleasing (to me) and earthy pants suitable of living in for months at a time while being a vagabond pebble wrestler.
This was my first attempt at making any kind of clothing for myself, and was actually kinda relieved to find it wasn't too complicated...
A trip to Atlantic fabrics and Value Village for the fabrics and materials, I took my measurements and created a pattern on a big piece of paper, sewed it up in one night, and added the accessories the next day. Brand new climbing pants for under $15!! I call them "Granite Monk" pants. haha

Heres some more specific things about them:

~poly acrylic blend for the pants, loose fit, stretchy width ways only. (for freedom of movement with the knees)

~hand braided assortment of yarn and rope for sewn in belt. (removable)

~chalk strip sewn into right leg. (for chalking up... but more for the looks)

~reinforced seams (soon to have a reinforced butt)

~shorter cut at the heel, longer at the toe... (so the heel doesn't catch the leg)

~linen flaps for aesthetics

Let me know what you think doods!
Does anyone know where you can find something like these for sale? Am I just weird, or do you think there would be demand for something like this?
sorry about the cheesy photos...
~ Lukey
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Re: handmade bouldering pants

Postby Quinn » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:28 pm

Awesome! Great creativity coming from the community these days. I agree, finding a good pair of climbing pants is damn hard. One problem is MEC's anti-competitive practices tend to limit and marginalize products from competitors in order to shill their own made-in-china look-a-like products.

The latest trend in climbing pants seems to be rolled up blue jeans, but nothing beats a good pair of purpose built climbing pants. Those pants sound nice, and an original concept is refreshing. I have no idea how you could connect with your potential market, but let me know when I can buy a pair.
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Re: handmade bouldering pants

Postby seanT » Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:30 pm

Quinn will take his pair in plaid flannel. With re enforced knees.
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Re: handmade bouldering pants

Postby Quinn » Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:08 am

Haha, I almost forgot about about those ripped pajama pants I used to rock at the gym. Pajamas make sweet indoor bouldering pants, but you're right, re-enforced knees would be nice. Flannel just doesn't hold up to Nova Scotia style beached whale top-outs. I haven't worn PJs to the gym in long time on account of the misses throwing out my old clothes when I'm not looking. She has her sights set on my current ripped bouldering pants, so if I don't find a replacement soon I'll be back to the flannel pajamas.
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Re: handmade bouldering pants

Postby jeremy benjamin » Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:44 am

stoneseeker wrote:Let me know what you think doods!

You look mighty cute in them Granite Monk jeans boy. Tell me more about your wrap around crotch thing and reinforced butt.

-Love Bubba.
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