hey y'all -
New bit of trad at G-spot. No sure if it's a variation or a new route... I'll leave that for someone else to figure out. This adds a lovely 25' crack climb to the trad options at G-spot.
Tradavore, 5.9, T, PG / G: climb the slabby first bit of Mr. T's Wild Ride, then straight up into the overhead crack (25 feet), then finish on last bit of Flakin' the Tard. FA - Jamie Simpson and Matt Walker, March 18, 2012.
Whole thing, bottom to top, can be done on gear = PG. Or use the odd bolt in the slabby section = G. (hint, sling a shrub on the slabby section)
Also -- for you trad climbers out there, a number of the sport routes at G-Spot are also great trad lines -- there's more trad options than you might guess -- bring the trad rack, plugg some gear and skip a few bolts!