We are going to keep it going. Who are the WE I speak of?
Me and Scooter primarily, but mostly you.
6pm Monday Night at the Rotary we will meet. If it rains it will be another night of the week. If it's league night it will be another night of the week. If it's your birthday it will be that night. If it's your wife/kid's birthday it will be that night.
It gets dark early, if you are scared of the dark it's ok. I think the dark is scary. But I think zombie wolfs and bears are scarier. But zombie wolfs and bears only want to eat the brains of wolfs and bears. So don't be scared. Come climb.
I am not going to lie Night Sessions is the most fun you will ever have, next to watching zombie bears in the dark woods eating the brains of regular bears. Also night sessions is about working problems that you CAN'T do. Result - you get mad, crazy and strong. Look at Ben S.
To do:
-Bring Headlamps, coleman lanterns, Matches, lighters, etc.
-Watch "Night Sessions" on youtube.com
Monday sept 14