CNS minutes - february 11/05

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CNS minutes - february 11/05

Postby denise » Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:24 pm

CNS Board Meeting
February 11, 2005

Meeting location:
Peter McVey’s

Attendance: Teth Cleveland, Chris Hayes, Peter McVey, Dave Blanchard, Cara Hazelton (via telephone) and Denise Fillion

1. Finances
The following individuals were reimbursed/paid:

Peter McVey re: i) mileage re: Ice Days, and ii) telephone conference calls.
Sport Nova Scotia – Administration fees
McDonald Chisholm Insurance - late fee penalty
Chris Hayes – discussion board reimbursement

2. CNS Discussion Board
Chris H. stated that he has officially discontinued the CNS discussion page hosted by Arbourwood.

3. Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held April 26, 2005.

Teth will book the classroom.

Teth, Chris and Denise will meet one week in advance to create a power point presentation and complete the minutes from 2004 AGM.

Chris will organize the display.

Cara will bring the membership forms and lists.

Door prizes: Fred Berube (via Cara) has donated a Wellsford guidebook
It was suggested that the following be sought out:
- Ghislain Losier’s NS Bouldering Guide Book
- Heather’s Sagar’s Training Book,
- Sean Cassidy’s Rope Climbing Guide Book (suggest)
- CNS T-Shirts
- ?? Eastern Tide Video (suggest)
- ?? Keith Swyer’s Video?? (suggest)

4. Gear Storage
The gear is currently being stored at Peter McVey’s home. In light of his imminent European departure, the gear will need to be stored elsewhere as of July 1/05.
Denise offered to store it at her home; however, access to it could be an issue.
Teth suggested CNS rent storage space. He stated he would seek information from one individual he knows.

5. Gear
Dave indicated that some of the gear would likely need to be replaced. This item was deemed to be important, and will be placed on the agenda for the first meeting following the AGM.

Dave also volunteered to develop a trace record (purchased when/used when etc).

6. Terence Bay Woods Access Area
Teth stated that would make efforts to meet the owners of TB woods in the spring (when they start building their home). Despite having no access to the woods, Teth will present liability information to the owners (in the case that climbers independently decide to climb on the land).

All board members agreed that climbers should not access the woods at this time, unless an “event” was organized (possibility of this).

7. Ship Rock Area
Teth has determined that the Nova Scotia Nature Trust does not own the land, but that it does have a conservation easement. As such, if the land is sold, the conservation easement will remain effect. Thus, CNS / climbers would likely not lose access to the land.

8. Bolting – Eagle’s Nest
In order to rebolt at Eagle’s Nest, we must obtain permission from the city.
A number of options are available for bolting:
i) we could liaise with the city
ii) we could get permission from the city
iii) we could do it.

It was decided that prior to making a decision on the matter, CNS would seek information from past pres. Sean Cassidy.
Peter volunteered to contact Sean in order to determine how the process was handled at that time.

9. Spring Events Planning

i) Boulderfest – to be held June 25/26.
ii) Top Rope Courses
Will be held:
April 23 – TR1
April 24 – TR2

September 17 – TR1
September 18 – TR2

iii) Outdoor Climbing Instructor Training – May 7 & 8
Outdoor Climbing Instructor Certification – May 14

Refer to CNS Events link.

10. Pro Bono Clinic
Dave would like to volunteer his time to provide a TR clinic to Katimavic. All CNS members agreed that this would promote our mandate (getting youth active). As such, CNS will donate the use of the gear, and Dave will donate the instruction time.

It was noted that strict adherence to the student/instructor ratio would need to be adhered to – suggested that if there were more than six participants, Dave could provide two sessions.

11. CNS – Honouring Prizes
It was noted that some individuals have reportedly won prizes at CSN events or CNS sponsored events, but have not been able to collect the prizes.
With respect to CNS memberships, Cara stated that she had CNS cards to send out (thus, the prizes had been honoured but had not yet been sent out). In other cases, it was noted that perhaps the people did not register for the membership.

In future, CNS will be clearer (provide written and verbal explanation) pertaining to how to redeem the prizes.

12. Sport Lead – Tackle or Not
Cursory discussion pertaining to this agenda item (due to time limitations.. it was Friday night.. after all).

Will be forwarded to next meeting agenda.

Next Meeting:
March 11, 2005 @ 6:30
Chez Peter McVey

Postby The Teth » Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:30 pm

How is that for open and transparent?

Re: my action items,
- The room is booked for the AGM.
- I have made contact with the land owners of the Woods Area in Terrence Bay.

Ongoing issues:
- Our contact with the Cape Breton Highlands National Park claims that cliff assessments are a priority for them, so I am hoping to at least get Black Brook open for the spring season. We might have had it open last fall if the Federal employees at the park had not gone on strike.

Teth Cleveland, President of Climb Nova Scotia
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Postby The Mitt » Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:48 am

This is awesome Teth. Thanks.

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