Teth's route ideas are good. I have climbed them all, except Oscar, which always spanks me with its painful, tiny finger moves near the top ... I don't think it needs cleaning, but all the others listed, do (I can say from having climbed them in the last couple of years).
Rendez vous location: good food and cheap beer is the goal, but downtown Halifax is then full of possibilities for after that, if anyone wants to stay out (so says the guy that never gets out). Of course, anyone can make their own arrangements. If we are rallying somewhere to save on gas and to get some beverages in without moving the car, I would say park at the Nova Scotia Power lot at Lower Water and Morris, as there is no security on the weekend, and there is lots of room. Anywhere else downtown charges during the day on Saturday. If it is Dartmouth, I would say the Micmac Beverage Room on the Waverly Road.
Those are just my two cents, so wade in on any issue.