by seanT » Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:41 pm
There are several reasons.
It costs Ground Zero a crapload of money to put on and host a event. You saw what we did 2 years ago at the Massacre has that sort of thing happend at the rock court...UNB? CAN that sort of thing happen? I dont think so. Trying to cram 50+ competitors and spectators into the rock court is unreasonable. Same goes for UNB.(no offence to UNB i love that place)
We are only interested in a Regionals also because we look at doing a event like that as a way to promote the gym for out of area climbers IE people from Quebec and Ontario and they will not come all this way for a local event but they probably would for a Regional. It isnt that you cant make a local as good as a regional its more that we just dont want to bother with a local,, been there done that...we want to see a progression...local,,,then regionals,,then Nationals. As far as the mega final event, look at it from a business point of view because that is what Ground Zero is right.. a business. UNB not a business. Rock court not a business. How much money comes out of Heathers pocket to put on a event? How much money does UNB lose putting on a event? Sure either of those venues COULD host the mega finals but does it make sense logically for one of the 2 smallest venues in the region to host the largest event?
So being straight up honest We do comps for 2 reasons. 1 to put on a big competitive event to help promote that aspect of indoor climbing. and 2 to help promote Ground Zero Climbing Gym. We definitly do not put on comps to make money.
I think in this region only a small handfull of climbers actually care about the "National" aspect of the tour de talking Holly...mabye YOU.. Ben B, Chrissy..the usual suspects. My members could care less, what they want is a quality event that is super awesome. They dont want to be crammed into some danky hole with no ventilation and having other climbers landing on them.
Tour de bloc...great scenario for East coast local UNB...local Rock court...Regionals GZ.
They wouldn't give us the Regionals. They dont WANT a regionals out here dont get pissy with me get pissy with the tour de bloc.