The peregrine falcons are back in Cochrane Lane again this year, and so is the nesting area closure around Cheekbone Corner. This is a reminder that annual restrictions of The Amphitheater, Cheekbone Corner, and Pooh Corner areas have been established, as was stated last year in the following post:
"It appears that our falcons have established a permanent territory in the Cheekbone Corner. In future years an automatic annual restriction on all climbing and disturbances will be in place between 1 April and 1 August for this area. This approach is consistent with other nearby jurisdictions that manage peregrines and climbers. I will annually check to determine if the birds are present, not present or relocated, and make the required management decision and public notification. This approach ensures that the birds are protected from disturbance during the sensitive nesting time."
I will monitor the birds throughout the summer and will remove the area restriction when the chicks are seen flying, which usually occurs in mid July. All updates will be posted here. Thanks again for your cooperation.
Joe Kennedy, DNR.