Does anyone have any beta for Pollux 5.3 G? Is it old school YDS or new generation soft YDS?
serious post begings here...
Jon C and I climbed a few of the trad lines tonight at Sunnyside. It was a good time but have a couple questions.
1. At the top of H-bomb do you trend left to the tree near Adam Smasher bolt anchor or head up right to finish on Nuclear Sausage Particle? If the exit was supposed to be straight up it didn't look clean and the tree would have been a bit small to belay. Also, all branches were still on the trunk which is not typical for most belay trees.
2. At the top of Lightning where the vertical crack ends, do you head straight up the face trending slightly right to gain good ledge with rap station just shy of the top of cliff? Originaly I thought this route went up a small vertical crack about 8' right and parallel of the offwidth near Thunder but I quickly found out there is no crack for protection.
3. At the top of Pollux it looks like you could go straight up to the tree or trend right around another crack system. The more direct line seems straight up the crack system to finish at tree but I know there is another bolted rap station if you went right. Perhaps this bolt station was originaly used for Superstar but then decided the top out was not worth the climb? In any event we went straight up to finish at tree. A fun route.