The NB climbing-city challenge...

Home of Welsford's Cochrane Lane Cliffs.

Moderators: PeterA, chossmonkey, Stacey, Dom, granite_grrl, Greg, Joe

The best climbers in NB are from?

St. John
Total votes : 18

The NB climbing-city challenge...

Postby Stef » Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:43 pm

Fredericton, of course. St. John climbers are okay, as long as there is someone from Fredericton there to set their top-ropes for them :wink:
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Postby The Teth » Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:56 pm

I chose Moncton. They need our emotional support until they get their gym built. Besides, any group of climbers that have to drive that far that often to climb have to be dedicated.
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Postby Fred » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:39 pm

I had to say SJ cause all those touque hippies bring our average down.
I want to go to hell... there's probably lots of rock to climb there.
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Postby Mountain_Marc » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:51 pm

Moncton, because i'm from there! :P
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Postby jayob » Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:13 pm

moncton for sure
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Postby Andrew » Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:37 am

There is probably a bigger community of climbers in Saint John than most people would think... some just don't get out as much as they'd like to :)
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Postby Fred » Tue Apr 11, 2006 7:56 am

that doesn't make you a climber it makes you a poser :lol: :lol: :lol:
I want to go to hell... there's probably lots of rock to climb there.
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Postby martha » Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:02 am

There is a difference in a 'climber' and 'someone who climbs' also....

There are a lot of 'people who climb' in Fredericton... most of them only on plastic. I personally don't think that counts as calling them a 'climber'... ya know what I'm saying?

There are also a lot of people who occasionally go to Welsford to climb.... but 'climbers' are people who make every effort to be at the cliffs every moment possible.
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Postby Stef » Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:56 am

That 's right Martha, a real climber is someone who has snap-links, hooks and pulley's. Watch Sub-zero, you'll understand...

Back to the city challenge, I think Moncton is getting pity-points...

Why no votes for St. Andrews? One guy down there is so hard-core, he bought his own crag...
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Postby mathieu » Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:31 am

I though I had voted for St-Andrews but I guess i must of been sidetracked by work.

I have to disagree martha
"but 'climbers' are people who make every effort to be at the cliffs every moment possible."

Those aren't climbers, they are obsessive compulsive, oh wait thats pretty much the same :D

Agreed on St Andrews, these guys climb in their skivies...or so I heard.
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Postby rawkyduck » Tue Apr 11, 2006 12:54 pm

climbers are climbers

saint john all the way. have you met ulysse? even if he were the only climber from sj, sj would still win.

Postby Graham » Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:04 pm

I agree, climbers are climbers, to try to cliassify those who are "hardcore" or not only makes it an elitest group that pushes other people away.
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Postby Graham » Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:05 pm

oh yeah, Freddy Beach all the way. Not that I really know a whole lot about the other places. But hey, I yam what I yam.
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Postby Andrew » Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:40 pm

By martha's definition of a climber, ULYSSE and JOHN are pretty much the only REAL climbers. You gottal ive and breath it i guess.

I am a clibmer. I get out every weekend I have a partner I trust to climb with and when my shift changes and allows, ill be up there once during the weekdays after work for a quick hike and climb. I love doing that. Feels great. There's nothing else I'd rather do when I have time than climb. nothing.

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Postby martha » Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:14 am

Uh... no.. you should read my definition again.

People who make every effort to be at the cliffs every moment possible....

and.... John isn't like Ulysse..... Ulysse is doing what he says he will... John just talks about going on a permanent road trip. hehe....I don't think he ever will though! He is too practical and set in a path for a career.
However.. .he still fits my definition.

I'm talking about the people that only climb in the gym and never outside, or the people that talk big and then only go outside now and then and mostly sit around but don't really climb much when out there. Those are 'people who climb'.

Just like I occasionally go out for a run... but I'm not a 'runner'... or I go skiing in the winter when I can, but I'm not a 'skiier'..... just someone who skis.... cause I don't make every effort to ski every moment possible.... see the difference?
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Postby Shawn B » Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:13 am

This is a f'in' dumb thread. The whole "F'ton has the better climbers than SJ or Moncton" whether intended in humour or not has no constructive purpose. Surprising coming from you Stef. Now you have Cara defining who can call themselves a climber. " only get out 6 times a year so you don't qualify". Are you saying George Porter and Pat Keleher can no longer call themselves climbers because they have a life outside climbing and can't get out enough to qualify for your definition? What a pile of trash. Climb what and when you want and call yourself what you want. Who gives a fig buck. Whether you pull plastic, top rope twice a year, top rope 50 days a year, lead 5.11 or 5.4 it doesn't matter so long as you are honest with others and youself and have fun and being active. The worst are those that think they walk but really only talk. We know! Big brother is watching closer than you think.
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Postby martha » Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:17 am

Hey, I have a life outside climbing now too. I've been to welsford once this year since I had the baby. I never said that I should be called a 'climber' either. Though I'd like to think I am. However, I am a mom first and most importantly now.

Please don't take things so seriously Shawn. We are just having a little fun.
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Postby Stef » Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:27 am

Shawn B wrote:whether intended in humour or not has no constructive purpose. Surprising coming from you Stef

Yup, is was just meant to be in humour, an opportunity to poke fun at ourselves as a community. Sorry, if I have offended you Shawn, or anyone else anyone. Maybe this should get locked/deleted before it degenerates into a flame war.

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