Early Season Injury

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Early Season Injury

Postby Matt Peck » Fri Dec 24, 2004 12:31 pm

We all know it, that salivating, need to get those first picks into the ice every season. I had my tools sharpened, crampons dialed, and gear totally ready for my first day on ice two weeks ago, and decided to zip down to the wall for a night of playing around before heading out the next morning. Shortly into the session I started to feel a pain in my chest.
The next morning saw me screaming at the top of my lungs while waiting for a ride to the hospital. Acute Apendicitis. The only blades I would get to see that day would be in the OR. THEN after two days in the hospital I am discharged only to go into severe dehydration sickness because my digestive system won't work. Now I have to wait a month and a half before I can even touch my axes. Sigh.
So I guess the reason for my post is to ask about light training that can be done in the meantime. Advice from injured climbers is what I am after, as I would hate to have to start from total scratch when I've healed.
Thanks and merry xmas.
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Matt Peck
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Postby Guest » Fri Dec 24, 2004 12:44 pm

Hey Matt! good to see you're well enough to complaining about not climbing ;)

hope you're feeling better quick... don't worry, the ice will be waiting for you. get better before thinking about training...

Postby martha » Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:53 pm

Glad to hear you are up and around enough to write a post.

Hope you are feeling better Matt! We've all been thinking of you lots!!

Take Care and have a Merry Christmas!

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Climbing post-appendectomy

Postby Lisa-the-NP » Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:41 pm

Speaking from someone who tried to climb in Maine three weeks post-appi - Don't try anything silly - listen to what the surgeon tells you (though I did go climbing that day with two doctors). The scar tissue build up from messing with unhealed muscle tissue can be dreadful and will haunt you forever.
My advise - keep your feet up, read about climbing, relax and work on your arm/hand strength by drinking lots of fluids (beer?!).
Take care and hope you feel better soon,
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