Dom & anyone interested,
Snakes & Arrows - If any experienced climber & bolter would like to install lead bolts on this route, that would be okay with me. I didn't install bolts on this route for fear of upsetting anti-bolt people. Also, if it doesn't currently have a top anchor other than the tree, I think it would be great if they were to be added in the form of a sleeved chain around the tree or bolts with rap ring hangers.
For the Thrill of it All - Do not bolt this route. The only bolting I would agree to on this route would be within the last 10 feet area. I remember that section being run out a little and having to hunt way off side to find a spot.
I will likely be unavailable to get to any cliffs until October or later this year, so with that said, if some people want to go scout a placement for one bolt near the top of FTTOIA and tell me what they think, it could be bolted.
If these routes get to the point of someone saying they'll bolt it, email me F2E8 at HOTMAIL dot COM and we'll work out the details (I don't frequent the forum these days - hope to again soon).
Climb on!!
Dom wrote:Samuel Stiles wrote:Dom wrote:A few don't have some though because:
A. ...
B. ...
C. They are trad route at Sunnyside so they never get climbed (e.g. H-Bomb, Snakes and arrows)
D. ...
I think they should be made into sport routes
Adam"][quote="*Chris* wrote:I've discussed the topic with the FA of H-Bomb, Nuclear Sausage Particles, and Man-Up-Beaver. Since he's not a member of the forum I can tell you that he does not want to see bolts on these lines.
oh i know he doesn't want them bolted. just voicing my opinion. would bolting them make the crag better? only in the sense that more people would actually climb the routes. seeing them get dirtier and dirtier doesn't make people want to climb them. and no, i'm not suggest we go bolt it against HBomb's wishes (or Burley as i believe he was co-FA on one or two of them).
Agreed, they never get climbed ever! Hey Andrew would you be willing to give the ok to bolt your pg trad routes at sunnyside.
Again if this was Granite like in Cl we wouldn't even be talking about this...but it's not so it's a valid discussion IMO. In Rumney they have been retrobolting seldom climbed trad routes and now they see traffic.
When I set-up routes my objective is for others to also enjoy it. It feels gratifying when someone comes up to me and says ''Hey man climbed your route X, it's awesome..."
Kinda like people said for your route Dying Embers Andrew. Now how many people said that for the PG trad routes you've cleaned at Sunnyside...Just a thought I'm not picking on you personally but on the fact that these routes are never ever climbed and it's a shame...
My 0.02$