Anyone else notice that the huge flake/block on the right side of the chimney on 5.8 for style has dropped 8-10 inches. You used to be able to get right inside the chimney if you wanted to but now you can't. The next higher flake/block just above it also shifted when the larger flake/block dropped as well. The horizontal crack on the right where the chimney closes down into a crack used to be a .75 and now it looks like it will take a #3 or #4. They are both massive and seem to be fairly solid but are definitely more hollow sounding than before. They are going to make a lot of noise when they finally shed.
Also looked like a small flake came off Warm & Sultry at the bottom of the lower vertical finger crack. There is some fresh rock scar and I think I remember a hold being there. Didn't change the route/grade any.