Hey all,
Stevo and I are very slowly working our way from left to right, climbing all the routes we have over looked in the past few years. Some of the routes we have climbed have been a lot of fun and don't seem to get a lot of attention. I thought I would post our findings.
"Thrash and Crash" - really fun route despite the bushes in the middle. Good gear throughout (choose placements carefully) despite a PG rating.
"middle age arete" - perhaps not neglected - deserves a thumbs up. (bolted line left of teenage arete)
"J'ai Vole ta blonde" - also not neglected - beutifull route. Hugely recommended for anyone looking to up the anti on gear! (me). Super safe falls (minus the ledge).
"Miramichi Trout Hunter" - Really fun - Super well protected crux - Rather easy compared to some other Welsford 5.8's though I think the grade is accurate.
"ride a cockhorse" - great as previously mentioned. 5.4 my buttock.
I'm not mentioning the poorer routes because I don't want to turn anyone off any routes that may be great for them.
Radical Dudes,