Welsford Access issues

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Welsford Access issues

Postby Pierre » Thu Apr 21, 2005 8:39 am

I know their is lots being done to resovle this issue, and I am very thankful for the people who are putting the efforts to resolve the issue.

However it's not as clear that their is access issues since the removal of the topics/threads that spelled it out directly in the subject line that their is one..

The topics of anyways and Official Welsford situation does not give you much clue that their is a problem unless you read the post..

Since this is such a issue maybe it should be a sticky on the top of New Brunswick web forum. Maybe it should include what's going on and what should be done by the climbing community.

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Postby john » Thu Apr 21, 2005 9:32 am

Pierre, I will refer you to the post "Official situation" to explain the rough background and add......Welsford access is currently jepordized due to what we believe is liability issues, although as I stated previously we are waiting for an official statement at which time I will let the details contained in the statement be known to all. As far as what can the community do

1) please to not visit cochrane lane or bald peak, since doing so will violate the law (No Tresspass sign) and subsequently may jepordize our future access

2) do not get to excited yet until the exact details are publically known

3) do not contact the Base for fear of agravating the situation (this has been done) through proper military procedures already

4) do start thinking of ways to resolve the issue, if there is one, and keep the ideas ready and input will be taken from everyone in the future

5) Direct any questions either here on the forum or preferablly to my email which I will post at the bottom again (I check email more frequently than this site)

6) Remain united with other community members, this will be key to our success

Rest assured the proper channels for dealing with this access issue are being explored by myself, UNB Rock and Ice and a few long standing members of the community.

John Bowles
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Postby Guest » Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:18 am

so from what i've heard the parties interested in restricting access are more worried about user impact than liability. they're worried about erosion, environmental issues, etc...

john, have you heard this from your contact with the 'officials'?


Postby john » Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:50 am

No this doesn't appear to be the case, but again we are awaiting an officail response, to this response will will be able to make suggestions to remdy any concerns
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