Want to help a threatened species while getting to climb all you want for a day?
Want to support preserving natural lands in New Brunswick?
Want to encourage the preservation of unspoiled Rock faces in the province?
Get involved in The Nature Trust of New Brunswick and Rock and Ice Club’s the Peregrine Falcon Climb-a-thon on Saturday, February 10, from 8 am to 8pm. ALL money raised by this event goes to forever preserving one of ten Peregrine Falcon nest sites in NB. Peregrines are considered threatened in Canada and in New Brunswick, and are still recovering from a brush with extinction.
As a climber- you can help in a variety of ways by doing any combination of the following- all three are encouraged!:
--You can help encourage and be a belayer/monitor for kids and new climbers who are out climbing for a cause.
--You can climb for a cause yourself! Register with the Nature Trust of NB and ask for a sponsor sheet. Raise money from family and friends who support you to climb to raise money for the preservation a Peregrine Falcon nesting site.
--Or, if you just want to climb- climb all you can to try to raise money from our corporate sponsors.
To help out, contact the Nature Trust of NB at naturetrust@ntnb.org or 457-2398. For more info check out the website http://www.naturetrust.nb.ca/peregrine.php